Quality hand-made knives

C2 Forge

Who is C2 Forge?

My name is Cody Csontos, I am a hobbyist bladesmith, full time physical therapist, husband, and father. Before physical therapy, I initially went to school for mechanical engineering as I enjoyed working with my hands and building, but didn't enjoy the education as much as I thought. Fueled by a passion for exercise, I pivoted to healthcare for a career in PT. I still very much enjoy making and  I started getting into blade/blacksmithing in April of 2021. Each knife I make I try to do something different or better than the previous one.

How did you get started?

I got into knifemaking as a long time fan of Forged in Fire and always finding different types of edged weaponry interesting. A couple of years ago I was dead set of doing something different for my parents for Christmas, so my dad and I did a 2 day knife making class together leaving me hooked since.

One of the most wonderful things about the craft is the incredible community. THE people are friendly, helpful and willing to share information leading to an incredible network of individuals that support each other!